Speaker for 21st January 2020

Dr. John McGlade greets the last speaker during his stint as Club President, Kevin Stott, with club members Jim Archer (L) and John Christy (R)

Coleraine Probus finds out about 'Occupational Therapy'

The President, John McGlade, welcomed members to the meeting, and then introduced our speaker, Kevin Stott. Kevin's topic was something nearly all the members had experienced at some time, “Occupational Therapy”.



Speaker for 14th January 2020

President Dr. John McGlade greets Andrew Kane, with Club member (and Dad) Graham Kane (L) and Speakers Committee Chair Des Moore (R)

Coleraine Probus takes a look at voting through the years

The President, John McGlade, welcomed members to the meeting and intro Speaker, Andrew Kane the topic of his presentation being “Elections in Coleraine”. Andrew is the son of Club Member Graham Kane.



Speaker for 7th January 2020

President Dr. John McGlade greets Helen Perry, with Club Treasurer Nigel Semple (L) and Club Photographer Ken Parkes (R)

Coleraine Probus take a look at our local Museums

The President, John McGlade, welcomed members to this the first meeting of 2020, and then introduced the speaker for the meeting, Helen Perry. The topic of Helen's presentation was “The Museum Service; Highlights of the Local Collections”.
