Speaker for 10th March 2020

President Derick Woods greets Frank Rodgers with club member Reggie Patterson (R) and Club Vice President John McKegney (L).

Coleraine Probus take a musical tour

The speaker at a recent Probus Club meeting made club history, when he had members humming and singing along to his talk. The speaker was Frank Rodgers, and the topic of his 'talk' was “A Musical Tour of Northern Ireland".



Speaker for 3rd March 2020

President Derick Woods greets Michelle McDaid with Club Treasurer Nigel Semple (R) and Club Joe Alcorn (L).

Coleraine Probus takes to the Air (Ambulance)

Guest speaker, Michelle McDaid, took members on an emergency ride in a helicopter, with the aid of some videos and her recent talk on the "N.I. Air Ambulance Service”.



Speaker for 18th February 2020

President Derick Woods greets Albert Clyde, with Club member Maurice Platt (R) and Speakers Sub Committee chair Des Moore (L)

Coleraine Probus takes to the saddle

The President introduced Albert Clyde to the members, with his talk about the RDA, the Riding for the Disabled charity, with their Coleraine centre in Castleroe.



Speaker for 11th February 2020

Club President Derick Woods greets John Logan, with club members Eric Fulton (L) and Billy Platt (R)

Coleraine Probus takes a look at life in Brazil

The speaker for a recent club meeting was John Logan, who will shortly be journeying to Brazil with his wife Phyllis. The trip would not be for a holiday, but rather their 25th working visit to the country, as part of the couple's involvement with the "South American Missionary Society“ (SAMS), where the two would be there 'working with, and helping people to help themselves.