Minutes for 11th February 2020

Minutes of the meeting of Coleraine Probus Club
Attendance: 34 members were in attendance.

Apologies (10) Robin Blackford, Leo Dolan, Noel Finlay, Stanley Forsythe, Billy Holmes, Danny Kennedy, Aubrey McElhinney, John McKegney,,James Nesbitt and Stanley White.

The President, Derick Woods, welcomed members to the meeting. He was also delighted to welcome guests Jim Hunter and Sydney Carruthers together with returning member Richard Russell.

This mornings Speaker is John Logan his subject being “Aspects of Brazil”.

A summary of this talk is available in the speaker’s record book and here on the club website.

A question and answer session followed the presentation. A vote of thanks proposed by Des Johnston, was passed to John by the President.

Weekly Business:
The minutes of the 4th February 2020 were, with the approval of the members, taken as read and signed by the President. .

Matters arising: None.

Correspondence: None.

Joe Alcorn outlined the proposals for a Probus trip to HMS Caroline on Wed.24th March, travelling by train and bus with a 100m walk from the bus to HMS Caroline. The maximum number on each guided tour is 15. Anyone who hopes to go should sign the Attendance sheet which will be available next week. It should be noted that there are stairs in the ship.
Probus Lunch on Tue 25th February, An Attendance sheet will be available at next weeks meeting. Guests should be included where appropriate.

Welfare. Norman Gallagher reported that Stanley White hopes to be back at Probus.next week. Joe Wishart who had a fall recently is now in the Robinson Hospital for remedial care.all hope
Treasurer. Nigel Semple thanked members who have paid the annual £25:00 subscription for the new Probus Year.

Any Other Business: None.

Next Meeting: The next speaker’s meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th Feb. 2020 when Albert Clyde will give a talk on “Riding for the Disabled”.

Closing Remarks. The President thanked members for attending, hoped to see everyone at the next meeting and concluded this meeting by reading an amusing poem entitled “Nationalisation” This was composed by George Barr of Londonderry Probus and published in the Winter edition of Probus Magazine.

The meeting closed at 11:57 am.

Signed: Derick Woods
Date: 18th February 2020