Minutes for 10th March 2020
Attendance: 37 members were in attendance.
Apologies (7) Robin Blackford, John Graham, Jim Hillis, Jim Hunter, James Nesbitt, John O'Neill and Michael Turner.
The President, Derick Woods, welcomed members to the meeting.
The President then introduced this mornings speaker, Frank Rodgers, who will give a talk on “A Musical Tour of Northern Ireland".
The members showed their enthusiastic appreciation for an outstanding presentation.
A question and answer session followed the talk. A vote of thanks proposed by Reggie Patterson was passed to Frank by the President.
A summary of this talk is available in the speaker's record book and here on the Club Website.
Weekly Business:
Minutes: The minutes of the 3rd March 2020 were, with the approval of the members, taken as read and signed by the President. These minutes can be viewed on the Club Web site.
Matters arising: None, not covered by the agenda.
Correspondence: None.
Social. Joe Alcorn reminded members of the Probus trip to HMS Caroline on Wed.24th March, Travelling by train and bus. To date 17 members including one guest have signed up for the trip. Anyone hoping to go should sign the Attendance sheet which is on the signing in table. An itinerary sheet is also available at the signing in table.
Welfare. Welfare Officer Norman Gallagher has been in touch with Teresa Dolan. Leo is recovering at home but is at present unable to come to Probus. Norman hopes to visit Leo in the near future.
Treasurer. Nigel Semple said that he will receive any outstanding membership fees after the meeting. A total of £370:00 was raised for the N. I. Air Ambulance.
Any Other Business
1. Club Ties. Any member wishing to order a Probus tie please contact the Secretary. (Approximate cost £12:00.)
2. Probus Magazines are available at the signing in table. A small donation to cover the cost of postage would be appreciated.
Next Meeting: The next speaker's meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th March 2020 when Mike Jones will give a talk on “The Lost Garden of Dunboe.”
Closing Remarks. The President thanked members for attending and hoped to see everyone at the next meeting. . .
The meeting closed at 11:59 am..
Signed ………………………
Date; (Hopefully) 8th September 2020
Communication from Portstewart Golf Club dated 13th March 2020.
As coronavirus continues to cause alarm and uncertainty globally. Please be assured that your health and safety is our priority. Considering the latest developments and assessing government and governing body recommendations (GUI/ILGU), the Golf Club has taken the decision to postpone all meetings, events and functions within Portstewart Golf Club until further notice.
Sincere apologies for any inconveniences caused and thank you for your understanding.
Jeanie Murray,
Reservation Administrator.
In anticipation, it is planed that the Probus Club will recommence meetings on (hopefully) Tuesday 8th Sept. 2020.
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Coleraine Probus Club.
Referring to the above communication from Portstewart Golf Club, The President and Committee have to agreed that the Probus Club meetings should be postponed until the corona virus has abated.
Also, the Club trip to HMS CAROLINE on Tuesday 24th March has also been postponed. There would have been four public transport trips involved and the ship is also a confined space.
Looking forward to a time when the virus is no longer with us and we can return to normal Probus Business and Fellowship.
Derick Woods, President and Graham MacDonald, Secretary