Minutes for 3rd March 2020

Minutes of the meeting of Coleraine Probus Club
41 members were in attendance.

Apologies (6) Jim Archer, Jim Dinsmore, Norman Gallagher, Billy Holmes, Norman Maxwell and James Nesbitt.

The President, Derick Woods, welcomed members to the meeting on this bright and sunny day.

New Members:
Notice having been given at the Probus meeting on Tuesday 18th February Des Johnston proposed that Jim Hunter be accepted for membership of Coleraine Probus Club. The proposal was seconded by Nigel Semple.
John Graham proposed that Sydney Carruthers be accepted for membership of Coleraine Probus Club. The proposal was seconded by Eric Fulton.
Members unanimously approved both proposals.

Each new member received a membership pack.

Guest Speaker:
The President then introduced the mornings speaker, Michelle McDaid, who gave a talk on “The N. I. Air Ambulance.”

An extensive question and answer session followed the talk.

A summary of this talk is available in the speaker's record book and here on the club website.

President, Derick Woods, said that as this was his chosen charity he would personally thank Michelle for taking the time to inform and update the Probus members on such an important subject.

Weekly Business:
The minutes of the 18th February 2020 were, with the approval of the members, taken as read and signed by the President. These minutes can be viewed on the Club Web site.

Matters arising: None, not covered by the agenda.

Correspondence: None.

The President reminded members of the Probus trip to HMS Caroline on Wed.24th March, Travelling by train and bus. Anyone hoping to go should sign the Attendance sheet which is on the signing in table.
Probus Lunch on Tue.25th February. 27 members and guests attended this excellent lunch at the The Lodge Hotel.

Welfare. An apology was received from Welfare Officer Norman Gallagher.

Treasurer. Nigel Semple reminded members that donations for the N.I. Air Ambulance can be placed in the basket on the signing in table. This will be held over to next week.
There are still some outstanding membership fees.

Any Other Business
The President reported that Ken Parkes has resigned from the Probus Committee because of on going health issues. He said we must respect Ken's wishes and would thank him for the outstanding support that he has given to the Club over the years.
2. In reply Ken said it was with regret that he has to resign from the Committee as he enjoyed working with Mike Turner and John Christy on the A/V System. The acoustics of the meeting room are not ideal. Sound . failure was usually due to battery problems and feed back. The system would benefit from a new amplifier with adjustable tone control and a Battery Tester. In presenting these items as a gift to the Club Ken said he would look forward to supporting Probus as a club member. .

The President, Derick Woods, thanked Ken for a most generous gift.

Next Meeting: The next speaker's meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th March. 2020 when Frank Rodgers will give a talk on “A Musical Tour of Northern Ireland”

Closing Remarks. The President thanked members for donating to The N.I. Air Ambulance as this was his chosen charity. He also thanked members for attending and hoped to see everyone at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 12:00 noon

Signed: Derick Woods
Date: 10th March 2020