The Club Quiz and Lunch May 2018
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Welcome to our 2018 Club Quiz and Lunch…

Quiz round-up…

The club ended their Spring session of meetings in the traditional manner of a brain teasing quiz followed by a hearty lunch - all that thinking makes members hungry! - However, this year there was a break in 'Tradition' as the Quiz and Lunch were held in the Lodge Hotel.

The questions were cunningly crafted by the resident club Quiz Master - Des Johnston. So dedicated to the Club and its Spring tradition is Des, he devised the whole ten rounds of questions while 'enjoying' the delights of Altnagelvin Hospital - what a hero! Unfortunately, Des was still on the 'not fit enough to quiz' list, and so our ever resourceful President, boldly stepped up to the plate and 'volunteered' to act as 'Question Master' for the day. The whole Quiz went off without a hitch - err, well more or less. There were one or ten or so questions about the standard of knowledge required, and lots of muttering. President Des acted professionally throughout and got a big round of applause at the end of the questions and winners announced (see below).

However, we think that possibly both the Des's are still in hiding from contesting teams that thought the standard was more 'Mastermind' finals than fun Probus brain teasers. Don't worry Des's, you'll both be safe for the September Club restart, afterall, who's going to remember questions like: "What Northern Irish explorer of the North-West Passage from the 19th Century is commemorated by a statue in Bannbridge?" …and still want revenge after all these months! (unless they look at the website that is! - WebEd).

The quiz was a closely fort battle with only 9 points separating the highest from the lowest scoring team. Following our regular format, there were three team prizes to be won. 1. The Team with the best name, which went to 'The One Armed Bandits' who tried to 'steal' the lead, but ended in a close fifth place. 2. The Team with the most imaginative answer, that may not be correct! This went to 'Girls Aloud' whom, for the very question noted above, came up with the answer 'Yer Man'. Finally the 3rd winners; the Team with the highest score. This went to a team that certainly didn't live down to their name - 'The B Team'.

So lets take a look at some photos….
*Note: If the slides are moving to fast for you, hover the ‘mouse pointer’ over the photo, and that stops the automatic change.
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And what about the lunch…

Following the Quiz prize giving, the members settled down to a buffet style meal with choices of three mains and deserts (or a little of everything, as some hungry members favoured!). All of which was rounded off with a good cuppa and a relaxed chat - all in all, a fun time was had by everyone and a good way to embark on our summer break.

So who was there and what about the photos…
*Note: If the slides are moving to fast for you, hover the ‘mouse pointer’ over the photo, and that stops the automatic change.
Archetypon Organizer
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(Thanks as ever to "Ken's Kamera" for most of the shots here)
