29th January 2019 and club members elect a new committee to see us through our 31st year
Who's What in the new Committee
Seated (left to right):
Events and Catering Chairman: Joe Alcorn
Hon Treasurer: Nigel Semple
President: John McGlade
Hon Secretary: Graham MacDonald
Past President and Speakers Sub Committee Chairman: Des Moore
Standing (left to right):
Website and Press Officer: Mike Turner
Vice President and Assistant Treasurer: Derick: Woods
Assistant to Speaker and Social Sub Committees: Eric Fulton
Welfare Officer: Cecil Spotten
Accounts Examiner: Graham Kane
Photography Officer: Ken Parkes
2nd Vice President: John McKegney
So lets take a look at some photos….
*Note: If the slides are moving to fast for you, hover the ‘mouse pointer’ over the photo, and that stops the automatic change.
(Thanks as ever to "Ken's Kamera" for a lot of the shots here, plus your WebEd for some 'extra snaps')
Eyes Down, and lets get ready for a new committee and a new Probus year!